Nekocon 2021 Panels

Will post my cosplay lineup at a later date/time but here are the panels I’ll be presenting for the con:

  • Diamonds in the Rough: Videogame Edition (side order of J-RPGs) –  Friday, 11/5/21  12:30pm-1:30pm, Panel 3
  • Figures to the Max! – Friday, 11/5/21  7pm-8:30pm, Panel 4
  • Diamonds in the Rough: Anime Edition – Friday, 11/5/21  10:30pm-midnight, Panel 4
  • Violence Solves Everything (18+) – Saturday, 11/6/21   10pm-midnight, Panel 2

Like…I could say none of these need a decent amount of work to update but that only really applies to the Violence one since I’m mostly just showing vid clips (which I already have plenty of) DX Both of the ‘Diamonds…’ ones I can theoretically leave largely the same & swap around the slides but the Figures one I definitely will need to update fairly heavily ~.~

Oh well, none of the updates should take a lot of time & I can work on them throughout the week once I get back from work.

2021 Updates

Been forever since I last posted but in case I didn’t mention it anywhere else, literally every con got canceled due to the Pandemic last year & why after a certain point I stopped updating with anything. Like, there were a few cons here & there last year that still happened in the US (even though that was beyond a bad idea) but an overwhelming majority canceled. Ultimately, like most I effectively had a forced year break from conventions which allowed me to catch up on a lot of things, get a variety of personal affairs in order, & stockpile costumes so that I can calm down on how many new cosplays I do in a year starting the next year onward (as well as get rid of some).

Anyway, since the new year has begun, cons have slowly but steadily started to come back (even though they’re coming back entirely too early imo) & since then I have gone to 1 (Otakon) & plan to go to 2 more (Nekocon & HolMat). Originally I only intended to go to Nekocon this year but expanded to Ota due to some friends going at the last minute & HolMat since I staff & would only need to worry about booking plane tickets.

Additionally, I’m (cautiously) slowly starting to get back into con going & I’ll be spending some time in the next few days updating the necessary pages on this blog as going back to cons also means the potential of going back to presenting panels. I’ll have another post with specifics relating to Nekocon but wanted to make a general update post first to space out posting new content.

Nevertheless, all that said I hope everyone has been & is continuing to stay safe & taking all the necessary precautions to stay COVID free ^.^