Overdue Momocon 2022 Info

Meant to do this way sooner but in a permanent “running around like a chicken with its head cut off” state 😩

To keep it short, had these panels at the con:

  • Pass the Haterade! – Fri (5/27/22), 7-8pm, Madness 213
  • Diamonds in the Rough: Anime Edition – Sat (5/29/22) 4-5pm, Madness 213

Resources already in their respectice folder in my panel resources Dropbox here.

Had this cosplay line up:

(Left to right) Takasugi Shinsuke from GinTama, Grimmjow from Bleach, Mito Anji from Guilty Gear -Strive-, SengoMuramasa from Touken Ranbu, & Kisaki Tetta from Tokyo Revengers

Overall, pretty good turnout for both panels. Fun time cosplaying. Enjoyed the whole con overall but since I’m (a) going to AX this year to assist a friend w/ their booth, (b) got product from one of my AA friends to use for my own side gig products, & (c) I have a side gig now & am prepping stuff both for my online shop & my AA table, kinda been ungodly busy 🥴

Currently working on getting my Portfolio as complete as possible so I can start submitting to cons myself vs relying on my friend to submit for both of us. Also, lots to do for my new business in general so it’s eating up all my time (besides my actual job 😅

In short, new business is resin related, specifically UV resin, & an overwhelming majority of the things I make involve resin in some way, shape, or form. If you’re interested, can check out my IG at date_does_resin & my site is dmpresinworks.myshopify.com.

All that said, going right back to the artist/small business grind & cranking out content for my portfolio & getting the page setup.

Nekocon 2021 Resources G00f ^.^;

So, didn’t realize that even though I updated all the necessary folders/files in Dropbox on desktop it never synched with the Cloud 😅🥴🙃 Amended that issue so anyone looking for the resources should be set now.

Again, as a reminder this is the link for my Panel resources Dropbox.

Lastly, for all those that attended my Violence Solves Everything panel & was looking for the list of shows I showed clips from, here’s the list in order of what was shown to make it easier on you:

o Another
o Blood-C
o Higurashi-GOU
o Magical Girl Raising Project
o FMA: Brotherhood
o Inuyashiki
o Highschool of the Dead
o Attack on Titan
o Afro Samurai
o Jujutsu Kaisen
o Parasyte: the Maxim
o Black Lagoon
o Shiki
o Hellsing Ultimate
o Jormungand
o Cowboy Bebop
o Baccano!
o Juuni Taisen
o Re: Creators
o Kill la Kill
o Ghost in the Shell

Resources Updated for Neko Panels

Recently updated the appropriate Dropbox folders with the necessary files for Nekocon panels, so if you attended any panel I hosted this past weekend & need the info they’re ready to go ^.^

Additionally, to make it easier on people my resources page is located here.

Also, for any who care, this was my cosplay lineup for the con. Ultimately wound up not wearing Baji (Tokyo Revengers) but wore everything else:

Lastly, if you’re also interested in my cosplay stuff, my Instagram is where I’m most active with that & my IG handle is @djdatemasamune.

AB Panel Resources Incoming

By the end of the week (hopefully) I will have all my resources up for the panels I presented this past weekend & have another blog post announcing so.
Also, for anyone that attended my Fate panel, forgot 2 huge disclaimers since I was rushing so much:

  • I was only skimming the surface so of course I left out some things. Fate stuff is too dense to completely cover in less than 90 minutes, so hopefully ppl. are understanding;
  • For the various series, I focused more on things that either had anime or a game of some sort & super skipped over a lot of the side novels, manga, etc. cause, again, Fate is super dense & there’s no way I’d have time covering all that.

Of course, fully expecting somewhere on the internets for someone to go “she didn’t know what she was talking about/I know more/I could have hosted the panel (better)” but whaddya gonna do?

Besides this, someone who attended the panel gave me this additional resources for finding out things about the Fate universe: Beast’s Lair. So, check that out when you have the chance.

AZ 2016 Panel Resources Updated~!

Logo from Site

Logo from Site

So, if you check my panel resources page, you will find a list of all the resources I used for my panels I presented this past weekend.

Also, remember I appreciate any & all feedback.  So feel free to comment on this post w/ that, email me (the.codarl.ii[a]gmail.com), or use any one of my various social medium to let me know.  I can’t improve s*** if you don’t tell me anything ^.^

Thanks to all that showed up to any of my panels & hopefully I’ll get to see some of you next year 😀

Animazement Panel Resources

For anyone visiting to see the resources for any of the panels I hosted this past weekend (Yurei, Yokai, & School Girls; ALL THE VOCALOIDS!; & Guropoid: Recounting Grotesque & WTF?! Vocaloid Videos), I’ll have them all listed by the end of the week at the latest.

When they’re all added, I’ll make another blog post mentioning that.

Massive Site Update

So, just had a massive update to the pages listed below:

So, all those that have seen any of my panels at: Anime Mid-Atlantic 2015, Nekocon 2015, Ohayocon 2016, Katsucon 2016, MAGfest 2016, & finally Anime Boston 2016, I’ve finally added all the related PDFs & resources for all the appropriate panels.

Panels presented during those cons were…

…& if you go to the ‘Panel Resources‘ page you’ll find a PDF w/ the rest of the relating resources. Thanks for everyone’s patience waiting for these resources & like I always mention, if you have feedback on any panel of mine, please let me know.  I can’t improve jack s*** if I don’t know I need to improve anything.  I’m a one woman show, there’s only so much I can catch on my own.

Anyway, now I’m off to present motto panels to motto cons >.>;